About Me

My photo
London, Battersea, United Kingdom
I have been blogging since 2010. I have been married for 32 years and have three children,I have been blessed with Four Gorgeous Grandchildren. I love making my own cards, but dabble in cake making & crochet too. I enjoy going to Alexander Palace twice a year with my mum. I live in Battersea and have grown up here, although me and hubby's dream is to one day live in Spain.....

Tuesday 23 August 2011

WARNING.... Please read

Good Morning Everyone. Thank you for stopping by today. PLEASE Read the following.

I belong to several DT. 

Last night, just before midnight I recieved a private email from a member of the DT. (it was not her but an hacker) !!!!

Here is what I recieved. I have left all personnel details out. I JUST WANT EVERYONE TO BE AWARE..... I ALMOST FELL FOR IT.

   This is part one

 I'm writing this with tears in my eyes, I came down here to London,England for a short vacation and i was mugged at gun point  last night at the park of the hotel where i lodged, all cash,credit  cards and cell phone were stolen off me. I've been to the embassy  and the police here but they're not helping issues at all, My flight leaves in less than 24hrs from now and am having problems settling the hotel bills.

The hotel manager won't let me leave until i settle the hotel bills now am freaked out, All i need from you now is just a loan to pay  for the hotel bills and to get my flight back to the next 24  Hours. I promise to pay the money back to you as soon as i get back home....because the hotel manager won't let me go until i pay for the hotel bills...

I need your help.


 ext one after I replied

I am glad to hear from you, i don't have access to calls at the moment and that is why i am mailing you via the hotel system and i have limited time to do that, i need you to help me as soon as possible because my flight leaves in some few hours, all i need more is $950 USD to pay for hotel bills and also get a taxi to the airport and you can get the money it across via western union, check
www.westernunion.com for a local WU outlet that is close to you and use my below details to complete the transfer:

Name: Deleted this info
Location: 30 Leicester Square. City,London,
Country, United Kingdom.
Amount;$950 USD

You will have to get back to me with the confirmation number as soon as you are done with
the transfer, I will need it with my passport to pick up the money here. Thanks a lot, i am
really glad you can help and will surely get the money back to you immediately home.

Let me know when you are heading to the western union office.


  Finally the member of DT response


I don't know if it came to the group or if anyone has received it or not, but I was advised this morning that an email about being stuck in London (UK) and needing money to get home was sent from my yahoo account (this one I send from now).

It appears to have been a hacking problem, as my account was definitely compromised and had to be reset.  I've now lost all contacts in my address book (I only store email address and name, no other personal info), but hope it can be restored. Feel free to email me so I can save your address if you want to!

I apologise most humbly, but as it was some nasty person hacking into my account, it is out of my control.  I hope it doesn't happen again!

Anyone who knows me will know the way I sign off on my emails, and will think that the email sounded a bit hinkey! I'd need to ask for financial help to get TO London, not to get home!

Thank you for reading this. I do hope you will keep this in mind if you get an email like this. I really thought it was for real, because of the persons name. I could quite easily have met the person because of my location in London !!!

Well, I shall be doing some crafting today, so hopefully have a card for you later or tomorrow x

luv n hugs


  1. Sally this is shocking!! it really sickens me that these people for the want of another word prey on innocent people, invade their privacy ect ect
    thanks for the warning

  2. Thanks for the warning. It's horrible what some people will do. Hazel x

  3. Thank you for the warning Sally, beggers belief!! Whatever next.

    Pam xx

  4. Thank you for the warning Sally. How people can do this really makes me want to cringe.


  5. I got a similar email Sally But chose not to reply as I had a hunch it was a spammer or a fraudster!
    We do have to be ever vigilant!
    dawn xx

  6. Yes shocking! They will go to any length to get money out of people. they is so many scams around. I get this sort of email all the time in my spam folder.
    Lucky you didn't send the money!
    Take it easy.
    Hugs xx
